Donate to Rooted

Did you know that more than 50% of college students leave their faith before they graduate? This happens because many students struggle to connect with a local church or ministry. Rooted Conferences was created to offset this statistic by connecting students to the local church and by bringing a life-giving community. We hope you will take some time to pray through the decision to invest in the kingdom, as we help college students find a church faster! Rooted is funded by generous donations from former and current students, parents and more. All donations are tax exempt. Thank you for your generosity!

Jaydon’s Testimony

“Having never grown up in church, I had no previous exposure to the Gospel of Christ. In high school, I dealt with severe depression, which often left me feeling very alone. The summer before my freshman year of college, a friend invited me to attend a Rooted Conference. I signed up thinking I might make a few friends before the semester began, little did I know this decision was a catapult that would launch me into God’s providential plan for my life. While attending one of the conference worship services, I experienced a love and hunger I had never felt before. I cried out to God, asking for renewed joy, and proceeded to ask Christ into my heart. In that moment, I was freed from my depression! God worked a miracle in my heart that day, and I have never been the same! This year, I am serving as a small group leader in the 2019 Rooted Conference, and cannot wait to share my transformation story with other students!”

Maleeha’s Testimony

“There is a black and white difference between knowing Jesus and not knowing Him; I recognized this immediately when I accepted the Lord into my heart on March 18, 2019. I grew up in a Muslim household with parents from Pakistan. Growing up, I had always known I was lacking a certain purpose that my friends had. In 2019, I realized that it was Jesus. After months of learning about who He is and what He sacrificed for us, I concluded that Jesus is the absolute way of life and truth of our hearts. These promises make up my faith; Jesus has defined our lives as something so much more than what we do for ourselves. I can confidently say I did not know true joy until I knew Jesus.

However, my new faith did not mean I was immune to the unsteady foundation of college. For anyone, coming to college can mean a shaking of one’s values, as people are exposed to so much so quickly. It’s extremely easy to fall away from faith, but Rooted is a ministry that counteracts this. Rooted encourages a strong foundation of faith that will remain throughout college, by linking new college students with churches and local ministries. Rooted taught me what it meant to pursue Jesus as intentionally and boldly as we are meant to.

At the conference, the church fair and breakout sessions hosted by local churches gave me a better understanding of what kind of community I wanted to devote my time to as my “home church.” The main speaking sessions emphasized the vitality and importance of Jesus in all aspects of life. By establishing this early on in college, I was able to confidently step out on the marked path the Lord has created for me, pursuing Him with growing purpose and clarity.”